Centre for the microeconomic analysis of public policy (CPP), 2010-2015

Showing 37 - 48 of 57 results

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The gender wage gap


This briefing note is the first output in a programme of work seeking to understand the gender wage gap and its relationship to poverty. Section 1 sets out what we mean by the gender wage gap, how it differs according to education level and how it has evolved over time and across generations. Section 2 provides some descriptive evidence on how the gender wage gap relates to the presence of dependent children and the employment outcomes associated with that.

23 August 2016

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Gluttony and sloth? Calories, labour market activity and the rise of obesity

Journal article

The rise in obesity has largely been attributed to an increase in calorie consumption. We show that official government household survey data indicate that calories have declined in England between 1980 and 2013; while there has been an increase in calories from food out at restaurants, fast food, soft drinks and confectionery, overall there has been a decrease in total calories purchased.

24 June 2016

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Income dynamics and life-cycle inequality: mechanisms and controversies

Journal article

This study focuses on the transmission of inequality over the working life. A model of constrained intertemporal choice is used to provide structure to the distributional dynamics of wages, earnings, income and consumption. The mechanisms used to insure labour market shocks are examined in a partial-insurance setting where the manner and scope for insurance depends on the access to credit, the information available to consumers and the durability of income shocks. Drawing on recent research, family labour supply, the credit market and the tax system are all shown to play a key role. These mechanisms vary in importance across different points of the life cycle and the business cycle.

5 May 2014

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Bond Returns and Market Expectations

Journal article

A well-documented empirical result is that market expectations extracted from futures contracts on the federal funds rate are among the best predictors for the future course of monetary policy. The authors show how this information can be exploited to produce accurate forecasts of bond excess returns and to construct profitable investment strategies in bond markets.

1 October 2014

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Empirical revealed preference

Journal article

This article aims to provide an introduction to empirical revealed preference (RP) and an overview of the current state of the field.

15 August 2014

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How many types are there?

Journal article

We consider a revealed preference-based method that will bound the minimal partition of consumer microdata into a set of preference types such that the data are perfectly rationalisable by standard utility theory.

11 March 2013