Advancing microdata models and methods

Showing 181 - 192 of 210 results

Working paper graphic

High dimensional semiparametric moment restriction models

Working Paper

Moment restriction semiparametric models, where both the dimension of parameter and the number of restrictions are divergent and an unknown function is involved, are studied using the generalized method of moments (GMM) and sieve method dealing with the nonparametric parameter.

10 January 2018

Working paper graphic

Multi-step non- and semi-parametric predictive regressions for short and long horizon stock return prediction

Working Paper

In this paper, we propose three new predictive models: the multi-step nonparametric predictive regression model and the multi-step additive predictive regression model, in which the predictive variables are locally stationary time series; and the multi-step time-varying coefficient predictive regression model, in which the predictive variables are stochastically nonstationary.

10 January 2018