Professor Richard Disney: all content

Showing 81 – 100 of 132 results

Publication graphic

Partnership in pensions: an assessment


This commentary assesses the government's proposals. It provides a detailed description of the current pension system and asks whether there is a case for reform. It looks at how much pensioners are likely to benefit from the Minimum Income Guarantee and how the new State Second Pension compares with SERPS. It evaluates the government's plans for Stakeholder Pensions and presents new evidence on the employment, earnings and other savings of the people whom the government sees as targets for Stakeholder Pensions.

1 March 1999

Journal graphic

Does it pay to work in the public sector?

Journal article

This paper uses microeconomic data from the British Household Panel and General Household Surveys to describe how the distribution of pay differs between the public and private sectors in 1983 and in the early 1900s

1 November 1998

Publication graphic

Public pay in Britain in the 1990s


This Commentary looks at public pay in detail, tracing its trend relative to the private sector over the 1980s and 1990s and showing how the gap in pay between the public and private sectors differs dramatically across occupations, gender and education groups. These findings illustrate how misleading comparisons of public and private sector pay based on aggregate data can be.

1 November 1998

Journal graphic

Ageing and saving

Journal article

The issue of ageing and saving has two distinct facets. On the one hand, there is the individual issue.

1 May 1996