Professor Krishna Pendakur: all content

Showing 1 – 7 of 7 results

Working paper graphic

OLS estimation of the intra-household distribution of consumption

Working Paper

Individuals may be poor even if their household is not poor, because the intra-household distribution of resources may be unequal. We develop a model wherein the resource share of each person in a collective household - defined as their share of household consumption - may be estimated by simple linear regressions using off-the-shelf consumer expenditure micro-data.

11 July 2019

Journal graphic

How many types are there?

Journal article

We consider a revealed preference-based method that will bound the minimal partition of consumer microdata into a set of preference types such that the data are perfectly rationalisable by standard utility theory.

11 March 2013

Journal graphic

The common-scaling social cost-of-living index

Journal article

Individual cost of living indices will vary across individuals, and thus any social cost-of-living index faces an aggregation problem. This article proposes a solution to this problem.

1 October 2010