<p><p><p><p>The workshop will bring together academics, policy makers and members of the business community to discuss current issues in the taxation of intellectual property. There will be a particular focus on the UK's plan to introduce a "Patent Box" - a policy to reduce the rate of corporation tax to 10% for the income derived from patents. The workshop will also discuss how this policy might interact with reforms to the Controlled Foreign Company (CFC) regime. </p><p>The Government recently published <a href="http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/d/corporate_tax_reform_complete_document.pdf"><b>'Corporate Tax Reform: Delivering a More Competitive System'</b></a> which confirmed that a UK Patent Box will be introduced in 2013. The <a href="http://www.ifs.org.uk/publications/5362"><b>IFS response</b></a> to this and the underlying research will be discussed at the workshop. </p><p>The workshop is part of a new ESRC funded project in which IFS researchers plan to investigate the effects of corporate taxes on the location of intellectual property. </p></p></p></p>