Improving tax and benefit policy analysis and development in partner countries

Showing 1 - 12 of 18 results

Publication graphic

Redistribution via VAT and cash transfers: an assessment in four low and middle income countries


As in many high income countries, VAT systems in low and middle income countries (LMICs) are often characterised by different tax treatments for different types of goods and services. Often, reduced rates of VAT and exemptions (“preferential rates”) are granted on equity grounds, for goods and services that are thought to take up a greater proportion of the budgets of poorer households. Given typically limited capacity to redistribute through the direct tax and benefit system, it has been suggested by some economists that such rate differentiation might be the best way for governments to transfer resources to poorer households.

23 March 2018

Working paper graphic

Redistribution via VAT and cash transfers: an assessment in four low and middle income countries

Working Paper

As in high-income countries, reduced rates of VAT and VAT exemptions (“preferential VAT rates”) are a common feature of indirect tax systems in LMICs. Many of the goods and services that are granted preferential rates – such as foodstuffs and kerosene – seem likely to receive such treatment on the grounds that they provide a means for the government to indirectly target poorer households, for whom such expenditures may take up a large proportion of their total budget.

23 March 2018

Presentation graphic

Tax policy analysis and capacity building in low- and middle-income countries


On 1st of September of 2017, Laura Abramovsky spoke at HMRC's International Tax Training Programme, a flagship programme run on behalf of the Commonwealth Association of Tax Administrators (CATA: In this presentation, Laura introduces IFS' work to support evidence-based tax policy and administration design in the UK and in low- and middle-income countries.

1 September 2017