Professor Frank Windmeijer: all content

Showing 1 – 20 of 67 results

Working paper graphic

A weak instrument F-test in linear IV models with multiple endogenous variables

Working Paper

We consider testing for weak instruments in a model with multiple endogenous variables. Unlike Stock and Yogo (2005), who considered a weak instruments problem where the rank of the matrix of reduced form parameters is near zero, here we consider a weak instruments problem of a near rank reduction of one in the matrix of reduced form parameters.

13 November 2013

Publication graphic

Child Height, Health and Human Capital: Evidence using Genetic Markers


They examine whether height in children causally affects a wide range of outcomes and use children's genetic variants as instrumental variables for child height. The results suggest that height is an important factor in human capital accumulation and show that being tall may not only confer advantage but also disadvantage.

15 January 2013