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Special session on the IFS Deaton Review held at ES/ASSA winter meeting

Sources and Consequences of Inequality: The IFS Deaton Review

The IFS Deaton Review was the subject of a special session at the winter meeting of the Allied Social Sciences Association and the Econometric Society, held on January 3rd 2020 in San Diego. The session, involving several members of the panel and other contributors to the Review, discussed recent changes in inequalities and the challenges for social science and for policy. Video and presentations from the event are available below.


Introduction: Richard Blundell

Angus Deaton (Princeton University): ‘Inequality: why do we care?

John Van Reenen (MIT and CEP): Firms and Inequality

Margaret Levi (Stanford University and CASBS): ‘The Political Economy of Political Inequality 

Orazio Attanasio (Yale and IFS): Inequality and Human Development

Stefanie Stantcheva (Harvard University): Perceptions of Inequality

Richard Blundell (UCL and IFS): ‘Inequality, Redistribution and the labour Market’